This is going to be toned down from last year. It is Bullshit how many people burn their grass in the country. It must be nearly the only place in the civilized world that allows this. I read yesterday that the county is issuing burning permits to the end of May. That is way past the point where it is beneficial for the grass for cattle. So, it is for lazy ditch burners. Good way to get rid of the plastic pop bottle rubbish. Anyway, it has been pretty bad the last couple days. Along with all the trees, flower, and grass allergies, it is nearly impossible to breath. At least breathe properly. Some photos (via iPhone) of the evening ride tonight.

Burning the ditches.

Finished product.

Descending into the abyss.

My cute dog keeping me company between races in Oklahoma last weekend. He's a great sleeper.
thanks for this post. In California it would be called a wild fire and make headlines around the world spouting fear and insurance claims for millions. What’s wrong with the elitist Midwest?
We do a lot of prescribed prairie burns here in Wisconsin. It’s done to kill off non-native flora and promote (native) plant diversity.
Here’s a much more articulate piece about prairie burns from the Wisconsin DNR.
It sure is stinky, but you have to break a few eggs to make an omelet.
Happy burning… and happy Earth Day.
I had the pleasure of driving through the Flint Hills a couple weeks ago while they were a blaze. Kind of an eerie sight. That smoke definitely doesn’t make riding look like much fun.