Valentines Day

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Today is February 14th, thus Valentines Day here in the US.  I was wondering about how this holiday came about and it’s a little sketchy.

It seems that St. Valentines Day was originally a pagan festival, Lupercalia, back 270 A.D. and the Christian church decided to do a feast to try to swing the masses towards Christianity.

Lupercalia was a fertility festival dedicated to Faunus, the Roman god of agriculture, as well as to the Roman founders Romulus and Remus.  Thus, the relationship to romance and love to the holiday.  You can learn more about Valentine’s Day here.

We’re doing a road ride here today at noon.  It is supposed to be much warmer, in the lower 50’s, and  a few guys are riding over from Lawrence and we’ll escort them back.   Hope you all have a nice day and get in a few Valentine miles.



Tucker gets involved in just about everything.  And sleeps about anywhere.

Tucker gets involved in just about everything. And sleeps about anywhere.

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