My website has been down all morning so I’m a little short of time now. I haven’t packed a thing for the next two weeks. I’m taking my bikes, both road and cross, just in case skiing and snow shoeing doesn’t work so well for my hip. I have that new LeMond trainer to test out too, so it will be as fun as riding inside can be. Maybe I can borrow a Fatbike from Riverbrook and ride some singletrack. They are grooming singletrack up in Cable now, so it should be good.
Anyway, you guys are probably too busy to be spending much time here anyways. So, hope you’re not running around like crazy and have a nice day.

This is just the stuff Trudi has put out. This isn’t my stuff, other than the skis and snowshoes. Plus, bikes. It’s a little crazy.
Website down? What’d you do to tick off North Korea?
Safe travels Steve.