Monthly Archives: March 2013

Doping Panel/Suspension Over Today for the “Heroes”

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I watched most of the doping panel from Yale on Thursday. I thought that it was pretty interesting, but nothing new was revealed. I was disappointed that they didn’t let Floyd talk a little more. The question about how clean the peloton is now kept making its way into the fray, but it never got around to Floyd. But Jonathan made sure that he kept stressing, through charts, etc. how clean the peloton is nowadays. He seemed to have an agenda.

Travis Tygart kept stressing that as long as all the guys came in and told the truth that they would be treated fairly. The 6 month suspension was the result of this? More than fairly in my opinion. There is zero percent chance that you can convince me that all these guys decided independently to all quit doping at the same time. And less than zero percent chance that Levi quit in 2006, then started again in July of 2007, then done again. Click here for his wiki page. He gets to keep his National Road Championship, the Tour of Switzerland, a bronze medal in the Olympics, etc. To me it seems like if we are confessing, then it needs to be truthful.

And back to Jonathan. I’m sorry, but I’m not going with his premiss that the peloton is clean. I don’t doubt that it has less riders that are on a systematic program, but his assertions are not true. I truly think that Jonathan has good intentions here, but I hate the way he misleads and just outright lies about certain points. I’m sorry, but I’m not going with it.

If we go back to the Tour de France when the Dutch paper broke the story about all the riders working the deal and only getting a 6 month suspension of the winter, Jonathan comes out and tweets, “Regarding the Dutch media report: no 6mos (sic) suspensions have been given to any member of Slipstream Sports. Today or at any future date.” It turns out the report was absolutely correct, or maybe they just made a very lucky guess?

During the panel discussion he was explaining about his team and was saying that he has some riders that have doped, but regretted it, and also said, and I think this is nearly an exact quote, “We have some young riders that have never been exposed to doping.”

How absurd is that? It is impossible. If he has riders on his Pro Tour team, of course they are exposed to doping. I have no idea who is the youngest guy riding for Garmin, but he has to be in his early 20’s at least. And has to have been racing bicycles for years, many years. Just by being a member of the Garmin team, he is “exposed” to doping. Maybe Jonathan doesn’t know the definition of the word exposed. Well here it is-

ex·pose (k-spz)
tr.v. ex·posed, ex·pos·ing, ex·pos·es
a. To subject or allow to be subjected to an action, influence, or condition: exposed themselves to disease; exposed their children to classical music.
b. To subject (a photographic film, for example) to the action of light.
c. To deprive of shelter or protection; lay open to danger or harm: troops that were exposed to gunfire.
2. To make visible: Cleaning exposed the grain of the wood. See Synonyms at show.
a. To make known (something discreditable).
b. To reveal the guilt or wrongdoing of: expose a criminal.
4. To engage in indecent exposure of (oneself).

As far as I can tell, every competitive bicycle racer in the world is exposed to doping under one or more of the definitions of the word above. So, saying he has riders that have never be exposed is just plain wrong.

I understand Jonathan’s position somewhat. But for these guys to be here at Yale, supposedly to tell the truth and to discuss, honestly, the problem of the doping in the sport of cycling, I don’t think that this was the proper place to be spewing his agenda.

Anyway, the 6 month suspensions are over for Christian Vande Velde, Dave Zabriskie, and Tom Danielson, all Garmin, plus Levis, who all “came clean” and testified against Lance. Boy, they sure paid a high price for their years of cheating.

The discussion was interesting, but not very revealing in my opinion.

The discussion was interesting, but not very revealing in my opinion.

Back in Topeka

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Yesterday we drove the 7 hours from Denver back to Topeka. The new 75 mph speed limit sure makes the trip quick. I’m not sure why the speed limits in other states aren’t faster. Illinois for example. Other than Chicago, most of that state is pretty rural and the speed limit is 65. Nearly all the states surrounding Kansas have a speed limit of at least 70 mph on interstate highways.

Staying the night with Vincent, Lisa and Pascal is always interesting. Their house is a little like ours, something sort of interesting going on at all times it seems. Jack and Bromont had to say goodbye to each other for a bit. It was a little sad. Lisa injected my finger with some cortisone, so I can put off the $6000+ Vail price, hand surgery for a while. I hope to spend more time in Colorado this season. I miss those guys.

KU was playing their next to last conference basketball game against West Virginia yesterday afternoon. I still have no idea why West Virginia is in the Big 12. It made the time pass pretty quickly.

It is still real winter in Kansas. At least it seems like it because there is a ton of snow on the ground. It is left over from last weeks dumping, so there it must of been pretty ugly here for a few days then. The local training races have already started with Spring Fling Criterium Series yesterday and the Perry Road Races today. Seems early, but I am so out of the loop that last week I could not of told you what day of the week it was or come close to naming the date.

My arm has been getting progressively sorer the last few days. I started taking pain medication again. Just one going to bed and one super early morning. It takes the edge off just enough. I think it is aching so much because of the lack of use. I can’t believe how quickly it is disappearing into nothing. You wouldn’t think that just a little of two weeks of non use of a muscle would do that.

I don’t think I’m going to make it over to Perry to watch the races today, even though it would be nice to get outside. I should go over there and walk a lap. It’s a little over 5 miles. Maybe if I can get a couple hours more sleep, I can gulp down some DayQuil, and head over there for a stroll.

Pascal was helping his dad put a new chain on his bike.  He made sure he had gloves on too.

Pascal was helping his dad put a new chain on his bike. He made sure he had gloves on too.

Trudi, Jack and Bromont hanging out before leaving yesterday.

Trudi, Jack and Bromont hanging out before leaving yesterday.

Lisa feeding the chickens in their backyard.

Lisa feeding the chickens in their backyard.

Bromont nearly ate one of these guys last summer, but now doesn't even pay any attention to them.

Bromont nearly ate one of these guys last summer, but now doesn’t even pay any attention to them.

Lisa washed her hands pretty good, after the chicken feeding, before she injected my finger.

Lisa washed her hands pretty good, after the chicken feeding, before she injected my finger.

I'm jealous of this dog's ability to sleep.

I’m jealous of this dog’s ability to sleep.

Our backyard this morning.  It's gonna be awhile before this all melts.

Our backyard this morning. It’s gonna be awhile before this all melts.