Snake Alley

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Okay, I’m getting around to it. Got some lung crud going on, so I need to go to bed early. Manana for sure.

If you look closely, this photo pretty much sums it up.

14 thoughts on “Snake Alley

  1. Daniel Russell

    Why did they stop making carbon forks with aluminum steerer tubes? Well worth the extra couple of ounces.

  2. Webehed38

    “I don’t break steerer tubes often, but when I do I drink with the clowns on the snake!”

  3. Mr. Frack

    Dude, you need to talk to your boy Kent about a road bike. My LBS has a Trek graveyard that slays me. I have been told that one in eight racers cash in on a frame replacement on those puppies. How many Moots/Eriksens have failed you in the last 20 years? A big zero?

  4. Calvin Jones

    The fork here was apparently the cause, not the result of a crash. However, an interesting and related topic, once Mr. Tilford has time to rest/reflect/recover, might be on how “crash-able” should a bike be made, anyway? Each discipline has its own peculiarities, such a DH, Cycle Speedway, pursuit, and road racing. My own prejudices lean to more mass, with worries about shipping, survivability in a crash, long life, etc. But then why should an athlete lug more weight around just to make the mechanic happy?


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