
Dewey winning Snake Alley in 2008. Brian and I in the background.

One thought on “2362558_w160

  1. poyntell

    Good luck, Dewy. I’m so sorry to hear all this. It is easy to be the Monday morning quarter-back on your decision when USADA showed up (Jason W.’s comment). I cannot agree with the critique of your decision or the assumptions some make. You were forced to make a split decision in response to an unannounced visit from USADA. You had neither the benefit of knowledgeable, objective advice nor the benefit that time would have added to your choice. You knew the answer beause of your TUEs and so, no doubt thought, what’s the point. I’m irritated that USADA didn’t more timely deal with your request for a decision. I’m curious about what further information they said they needed before ruling on your request. I am quite suspicious of their motives. They knew you had an outstanding TUE request when they showed up. I feel for you like it was somewhat of an ambush. Obviously, they may have another perspective or additional information; but, so far, it doesn’t quite seem right. I wish for you we could turn back time, have you take the test, and then, as some have said, the issue could have been about whether they should have acted more quickly on your request.


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